Support St. Benedict's Episcopal School
Together We Grow
Donations to St. Benedict's Episcopal School are put towards our operating budget, providing support for core programs and inspiring students to strive for more. As part of our community, our generous donors directly help students succeed intellectually, emotionally and socially throughout their futures. If you’re interested in contributing, get in touch today.
How To Prioritize Your Family's
Giving To St. Benedict's
At all independent schools, tuition does not cover the full cost of educating a child. This is certainly the case at St. B’s. As a result, the school depends on the generosity of our community to help close the gap between tuition and the actual cost of educating each student. To help you prioritize your own giving, here is a list of the requests you will receive during the year.
The Acorn Fund
St. Benedict's depends on the generosity of our community to help close the gap between tuition and the actual cost of educating each student. Parent, board, faculty and staff participation directly influences the opportunities to receive grants and major gifts from donors. When foundations and donors see that our community give to The Acorn Fund, they are more apt to support St. B’s.
Your tax-deductible gift impacts every aspect of a St. B’s education – our academic, arts, and Spanish programs; our technology offerings; our extracurricular opportunities; our campus and facilities; and professional development for our faculty.
The Acorn Fund Campaign runs August, 2023 through January, 2024.

Imagine Campaign
What an exciting promise for the children and families and future of St. Benedict’s Episcopal School.
Expanded facilities to match the quality of our first-rate education.
Dynamic classrooms and labs where children can explore, discover, and learn.
Collaborative learning experiences that engage students’ hands and minds.
Innovative STEAM programs at every grade level.
The potential within each St. Benedict’s student is unlimited, but the current spaces and resources with which we have to teach and inspire them are not. The Imagine Campaign is our chance to plant a seed and see it “bear fruit, thirtyfold and sixtyfold and hundredfold.” It is our chance to help our children learn and grow as never before.
Together, let us imagine it, and achieve it. Let us dream it, and become it. An opportunity to impact the lives of students for years to come – IMAGINE THAT
Georgia Goal
St. Benedict’s is proud to participate in the Georgia Private School Tax Credit Program. The St. B’s community has an opportunity to redirect their Georgia tax liability to support independent school education - specifically a St. Benedict’s education. Participation in this program allows us to offer need-based scholarships to new St. Benedict’s students.
St. Benedict's Parent Association
The PA supports campus-wide needs and "extras" that enrich the lives of our students and parents. Every parent and guardian of a student attending St. Benedict's is automatically a member of the Parent Association (PA). The purpose of the PA is to:
Foster Community
Show Appreciation to Faculty and Staff
Foster Communication
Raise Money
PA Dues (7.12-9.24)
Spirit Wear Sales
Holiday Wreath Sale (Mid-October)
Teacher Holiday Gift Fund
Book Fairs
The Parent Association Gala (Spring)
End-Of-Year Teacher Gift Fund
Contact the PA (pa@stbs.org) for more information.

Multiply The Impact of Your Donation
Did you know that thousands of companies match donations to non-profit organizations made by their employees?
If you plan to make a gift, or have recently made a gift, use this simple search tool to find out if your company will match your donation and to access the guidelines and forms needed to request a match.