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St. Benedict’s Community Offering Youth Group for Middle School and High School Students


Updated: Dec 12, 2022

Starting on Tuesday evenings in Advent St. Benedict’s community is offering a Youth Group for middle school and high school students (6th - 12th grade). The group will be led by Mo. Jenna Strizak, Chaplain Porter Cade, and Fr. Brian, as well as faculty and church volunteers. St. Benedict’s is forming a group to explore our faith, reach out to the community, have fun and build our youth community. This group will intentionally include the whole St. B’s community of both church and school students. We will start meeting Tuesday, November 29, 2022 from 5:00-6:30 P.M. and continue through January 31, 2023. On January 31, 2023 the planning for the remainder of the year will be turned over to the youth. They can explore how they want to reach out to others, what events (or possible trips) will bring them closer, and how they want to explore their faith in intentional and meaningful ways.

A basic framework of the evening will begin with dropping off in front of the church, four squares on the black top (main campus). Then we will begin the program, which will be in one of these four areas - fun, formation, community building, or outreach. Finally, we will end with the secret sauce of all youth groups - PRAYER & PIZZA!

Calendar of Events:

Youth Group

Tuesday’s from 5:00 P.M. - 6:30 P.M.

November 29th - Team Building - FIRST MEETING - Ice Breakers & Covenant Creating- what is a youth group, and what do youth want from their group?

December 6th - Formation - Jesus is the Reason for the Season - led by Mo. Jenna Strizack

December 13th - Outreach/Fun - White Elephant Gift Exchange - Bring a gift for Children in Need (Giving Tree Collection). Buy a pre-wrapped “funny” gift (less than $15) to exchange with each other. There will be a prize for the most exchanged gift. Also, bring gifts for the Giving Tree.

December 20th - Fun - Six Flags is open from 3:45-9:15 (leave after school at 3:45 from the St. B’s parking lot, and return by 9:15). Drivers are Needed.

January 3 - Team Building/Fun - Escape from St. Benedict’s (create our own escape room). The leadership will create a number of challenges that need to be solved by the group before they can “escape.” If we have enough youth, we will split the group up and race one another.

January 6-8th - Optional Trip - DYC Retreat at Camp Mikell. Youth across the Diocese will spend a weekend at Camp Mikell in Toccoa, GA. Please sign up with the Diocese of Atlanta through this form:

January 10 - Formation – What is Epiphany, and why it’s important now? - led by Mo. Jenna Strizack.

January 17 - Outreach – Group Discussion about what is important to us as a group and how we want to share our time, talent, and treasure to make a difference locally and/or globally.

January 24 - Fun - Pictionary (bible themes)

January 31 - 5th TUESDAY Planning – The youth will plan youth meetings for the rest of the school year. They will have a chance to learn to lead and plan the things they want to know about, have fun doing, improve in their community, or even plan a summer trip, such as tubing in Helen with other youth from the Diocese.



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